We are often asked to pick up single items. We do a lot of these small volume pickups and will save you the hassle of organising a trailer, or trying to break them up and feed them into your CCC Red bin every 2 weeks. A simple message to us and its all sorted, and we have prices listed below.
A single item pick up is $150 – any more than 1 item will push the price up to a 1/4 truck load (except the rubbish bag option)
All items to be picked up must be out and located where we can back our truck up to. If we have to come inside the house or around to the back yard to collect them – will incur an additional labour cost.

- $150

Bed Frame/Base – $150

Desk – $150

Couch – $150
(large corner couches are a 1/4 truck load due top size)

Dresser / Drawers – $150

Rubbish Bags
- 1 – 10 bags – $150
- 11 bags or more – 1/4 truck load or more

- Red or Yellow or Green Bin – $150
- More than 1 bin – 1/4 Truck load or more
You can call us to discuss your rubbish removal 0508 7822474 (0508 RUBBISH), send us an email at office@christchurchrubbish.co.nz or fill in the from below